Soooo. On March 26th I had about 150 sprouted tomato plugs I needed to plant or compost
before we left for our camping trip because we weren’t having anyone come over to water the garden windows. (or the greenhouse). I also had 6 trays of earlier started and transplanted pepper and tomato plants. I transplanted 4 trays (48) plants of the sprouted plugs and composted the rest 🙁 Side note I should NOT have sprouted so many tomato seeds at once. I relearn this every year. Just too many to deal with at one time. I put 4 trays of the biggest plants in the back of the greenhouse so that they hopefully wouldn’t dry out for the 3 days that we were suppossed to be gone. We left to go camping and I hoped for the best. Well once on vacation it’s hard to come home so we added 2 more days to the trip. I ended up using a friends satalite phone to call a friend to see if she could water the plants. ( we were out of cell phone range) We got home and I first saw the 6 trays of plants I had inside the house in the garden windows. They were a little dry but all looked good. Good news! I walked out to the greenhouse with high hopes. Inside were the 4 trays of plants. I figured they would be even less dried out. Well, they were not dried out and dead but instead some damn critter ate the tops off of ALL 48 plants! This obviously means war. (we’re planning on trying out the bucket method)
Categories: The Grocer's GardenThe Grocer's Greenhouse