It rained most of today. I watered in the greenhouse and the garden windows. Some of the tomatoes seem very ready to plant, but I’m sitting on my hands waiting for warmer weather. The tomatillo is still standing in the greenhouse. I hope it makes it. Planting it that early in the greenhouse is definitely a gamble. I re-potted the 4 cardoons I started on March 23rd. It has only been two weeks, and they’ve sprouted and grown some roots. Two are the Avorio Cardoons, and the other two are the Gobbo Cardoons. The artichokes and peppers I planted the same day haven’t sprouted yet. I re-potted an Organic Brandywine Tomato sprout with a long root, and also a Black Beauty Eggplant that was started on Jan. 24. I still am amazed at how differently plants will grow that have been started at the same time. Another Black Beauty started the same day is pretty big and could be planted, but this one I re-potted today is still very small. Is most of the difference in the quality of the seed???