IMG_20190410_131912IMG_20190503_083521Happy late May Day!  Sooooo.  I thought having the heads chewed off of 48 tomato plants was a blow to my gardening season this year.  Well it gets worse. Way worse. I am now the Gimpy Gardener. The Double Booted Gardener.  The Hobbling Gardener, etc.  Four weeks ago I broke my right ankle and double sprained my left one.  It is slowing me down.   My awesome husband has been watering the plants in the Garden window and hopefully I’ll get them planted soon.  I think we’re still battling critters in the greenhouse but I’m going to plant one or two tomatoes in there and see what happens. The plants are looking sad and definitely need some fertilizer. It is supposed to be great weather this weekend and I’ll see what I can get done with my current limitations.