One of the things that I’ve finally learned is that it really does help to soak certain seeds before planting them. I had a hard time sprouting peppers last year.  This year I am listening to my husband and soaking the pepper seeds first.  I’m starting with four different kinds;  Jalapeno, Cayenne, Cal Wonder, and Sweet Banana.  I have each kind  in a glass jar, a few more then a dozen of each.  I soaked them just over night the first day and have been rinsing them once a day since then.  When/if they sprout it will be time to put them in some soil.  I’m hoping I have more success this way!

I’ve also had trouble growing eggplant so I’ll try soaking those seeds also. I ended up with only one Black Beauty eggplant last year despite starting many more eggplant seeds.  Luckily our neighbor gave us an extra plant he had. It turned out to be an awesome beautiful healthy productive plant. I think it was an Italian heirloom. It was light purple and white. I’m trying to find some seeds that look similar.