The temp. sensor reads 84 degrees in the greenhouse. It feels like it. Nice and warm. I watered the new lettuce seeds and the arugula. Everything got a little dry.
Three of the Cali Wonder (2011) and three of the Sweet Banana (2009) pepper seeds sprouted! Two weeks after first soaking them. There are still no Jalapeno (2007) or Cayenne (2008) pepper sprouts. I wonder if it is because the seeds are older.
I’ve got the fever. I soaked some more seeds in random jars.
Large Red Cherry Tomato 2007
Pineapple Tomato 2010
Kellogg’s Breakfast Tomato 2010
Quadrato Giallo D’Asti Pepper 2011
Sweet Banana Pepper 2009 (more)
Eclipse hybrid Eggplant 2013
Brandywine Tomato 2008